Tip on LinkBar control in Flex

LinkBar control defines the style name “linkButtonStyleName” to specify styles for link buttons, but does not define a style name for a selected link button.For example if you want to apply a specific style for a selected link button in the row of link buttons, you would think for a while, make some try outs, look in to the code, scratch your head for a while,curse flex and may be finnally give up.The real thing is it isn’t defined.But there is a way.

LinkBar control defines a row of LinkButtons, meaning we can access and apply styles to any of these individual Buttons at run time using setStyle method.

Example: Button(lnkBr.getChildAt(0)).setStyle(“fontWeight”,”normal”);

In the above line lnkBr is id of the LinkBar and getChildAt method gets that particular button and then we can apply style to that button using the setStyle method.




2 Responses to Tip on LinkBar control in Flex

  1. F says:

    Thanks very usefull.

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